What is Voice Broadcasting, and Why Use It?
What is voice broadcasting? It’s much like standing on a stage in front of a large crowd with a megaphone. You have an urgent message that you need everyone in the audience to hear immediately, so you speak into the megaphone. Your message is carried across the crowd, bringing everyone’s attention to the stage.
Voice broadcasting systems allow you to create one message and then distribute it to hundreds or thousands of telephone numbers simultaneously. There are many potential applications for voice broadcast technology. More than 75% of businesses participating in Hubspot’s 2021 State of Marketing report were using automation to market their products and services. Voice broadcasting is one of the most versatile automation tools available.
If you have a message that you need to get out to a sizable call list, voice broadcast can save you time. Let’s take a deeper look at what voice broadcasting is and how it fits into your marketing plan.
What is Voice Broadcasting?
What is voice broadcasting? That’s the first question to answer if you want to make your phone marketing system more efficient and effective.
Voice broadcasting can refer to any system that allows you to distribute one message in bulk. There are a lot of ways you can do this, which makes it a versatile strategy that can work for most businesses and organizations.
How Does Voice Broadcasting Work?
The first step to voice broadcasting is putting your message on paper. We’ll talk about getting the message right in a moment. For now, just note that the message is always first.
The next step is to turn that message into an audio recording. Many voice broadcasting systems allow you to record messages directly into the system. Alternatively, you can record it through the medium of your choice and then import an audio file into the system. You can also use text to speech, allowing your broadcast system to create the recording for you.
Upload your call list into your broadcasting system and determine when you want those phone numbers to receive your message. The best voice broadcasting services will allow you to send the messages immediately or schedule them in the future.
Pro Tip: You can create multiple messages for different call lists. Don’t try to cram everything into one list. Tailor every message to what the recipients need to hear.
At this point, you’re done. You just automated message delivery. Go check that task off your to-do list and pat yourself on the back.
How Voice Broadcasting Fits into Your Marketing Plan
What is voice broadcasting? You should have a clear answer for that question at this point. It’s time to talk about how this technology fits into your marketing plan. In a recent analysis of the top marketing trends for 2022, the Forbes Agency Council noted that brands must do all of the following with their marketing plan:
- Build Awareness – Get members of your target audience to acknowledge and take interest in your brand.
- Establish Connections – Connect with that aware audience in meaningful ways.
- Build Reputation – Develop an authoritative reputation that is trusted and respected by your audience.
- Nurture Relationships – Develop and grow deeper relationships with members of your audience.
Voice broadcasting is a great way to start connecting with your audience and nurturing the relationships you form through social media and your website. Here are some ideas that may help you with those initiatives:
- Announce flash sales to brand followers and previous customers
- Send thank you messages to customers placing large or repeat orders
- Send special discounts and tips to a small group of VIP customers
- Extend special offers to people who have shown interest in your products or services
Related: What Is Voicemail Drop Marketing (and Why You Need It)
What is Voice Broadcasting When Applied to Internal Communications?
We’ve talked a lot about using voice broadcasting for marketing purposes, but you can also use this technology to improve communications within your company. Businesses large and small often need to send messages to teams or the entire company at once. Email and text messaging are options, but sometimes a phone call feels more personal and urgent.
You can create call lists for each team and the overall company. Some businesses may also have lists for committees, board members, and other specialized groups. Make sure those lists are updated as employees come and go, and you have everything you need to send quick messages to keep everyone on the same page.
The great thing about modern voice broadcasting technology is you can allow multiple people access to the service. When your CEOs, managers, team leaders, human resources professionals, and activity organizers all have the ability to send messages quickly, you can improve efficiency across the board.
The First Step to Successful Voice Broadcast Marketing
When we broke down the process of voice broadcasting earlier, we mentioned briefly that the message always come first. It’s now time to talk about how you get your message right. Perhaps you’re in a hurry to get the message out there, but your results are dependent on what you say and how you say it.
The first step to success is always a great message delivered in the right tone for your target audience.
If you’re using voice broadcasting for internal communications, you may not put as much thought into wording. You will often have a specific message that needs to go out immediately or at a set time, and you’re not trying to sell anything. You’re communicating with your employees or teams, and you just want to keep it professional and concise.
If you’re sending messages for marketing purposes, the message is critical. The best starting point is to answer two questions:
- Who are you sending the message to?
- What do you want them to do after hearing the message?
If you want different targets to do different things, then you need to create multiple call lists and messages. You want each message to have a tight focus and one end goal.
For example, let’s say you’re marketing an app that helps students study more productively. You want to target middle and high school students, young adults in college, and older adults returning to college. Each of these target markets have different needs and may benefit from your app in different ways. Your message may change when you focus it to the needs of each group.
You may also have different messages for people who have shown interest in the app, people who have downloaded the free version and may want to subscribe to the premium version, and your current premium subscribers. They may all benefit from different messages at different times.
Did you catch that? You want your message to focus on the benefits for the people on your call list. Direct demographic targeting with a personalized delivery is essential for the intensely competitive market we’re in today.
If it feels overwhelming to think about multiple messages and how they all fit together, just focus on one when you start out. Who do you want to reach right now? What do you want them to do after hearing your message? From there, you will likely know what you need to say to get the response you want.
Optimal Message Length
Most broadcasted messages end up in voicemail boxes. If you use ringless voicemail blasts, then you know every message will land in a voicemail box. If you send out rapid fire messages in hopes some of your call list will answer, it’s likely that most will still end up in voicemail boxes.
That’s why the ideal length for a voicemail is 20-30 seconds. You don’t want to go much shorter or longer.
The best voice broadcasting systems will ensure that your messages aren’t cut off at the start or end when left on voicemail. These platforms should alert you if you upload a message that is too long to fit on most voicemails.
Related: Best Automated Calling System: What to Look For
Make Responding Simple
Your call to action is the thing you want your recipients to do after hearing your message. It’s not much different than writing a call to action for written content. You’re just speaking it out loud and have the advantage of adding your tone and a touch of personality.
Keep it simple by asking your call recipients to do just one thing. If you provide multiple phone numbers, email addresses, and other options for follow-up, you’re likely to lose many people. You want to identify one action that they can take right away.
That means no calls to action in future tense. Focus on what you want them to do at the moment they hear the message. If you want them to respond to an email you previously sent, then you can just ask them to do that. No phone number needed.
Do you want a call back? Then provide one phone number.
Do you want them to check out the latest collection on your e-commerce website? Then ask them to visit your site.
Make it as easy as possible for your recipients to act on your call.
Is Voice Broadcasting the Right Way to Distribute Your Message?
Voice broadcasting is the right option for all internal communications or marketing campaigns. You’re sending one message out to a large group of people via telephone. Everyone can relate to using a phone for communication while some do view email or text messaging as a preferred method of communication. Some factors that may make this the right move for you include the following:
- You want a more personal delivery than you can accomplish with text or email.
- Need to provide more information than can be provided in a text message
- You want to ensure your audience receives your message quickly.
- You’re a much better speaker than writer. You don’t want to learn to write clearly if you can speak clearly instead.
- You have a sizable phone number list.
- You’ve done your research and know that a large percentage of your target audience doesn’t check email or text messages regularly.
- You want to use voice messages in addition to text messaging for a well-rounded marketing/notification plan.
- You need to get some messages out immediately and can send a voice message faster than a written message.
- You want to send messages in a time zone that isn’t compatible to your working hours. A voice broadcasting service will allow you to schedule those messages to go out while you’re sleeping.
Success Starts with Your Voice Broadcast Service
What is voice broadcasting, and why should you use it? You now know the answers to those questions. You also know how to create meaningful messages that are conveyed in just the right tone and through the right distribution channel. You have everything you need to market with voice broadcasting successfully, right?
Almost. Your success will depend on the overall quality of your messages, and that hinges on the reliability of your voice broadcasting system. VoiceShot is an industry leader because our focus is on consistent quality.
We use the best technology and send all messages through proven carriers, ensuring that your messages are never cut off at the beginning or end. Your recipients will hear every word of your message either in your own voice or in a pleasant human voice created by voice-to-text technology. We’re a full-service broadcasting company with voice and text capabilities.
To schedule a demo or get started with your free trial, sign up with VoiceShot today.